Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Birthday Hike

This past weekend I celebrated my 32nd birthday by taking a eight mile hike with Jeremy in the mountains right behind our neighborhood.  With our opposite work schedules and my class at night we don't get to see eachother that much.  My birthday wish was to be able to spend a whole day with him so he took the day off from work and the kiddos headed over to Nani and Poppi's for the day and night.  Jeremy and I had so much fun together and spending time with him was the perfect birthday gift.

Halfway point!
Hiking partners!  I love hiking and wish we could do it more often. 
My meditation pose.  It was so peaceful and beautiful at this point.  
Jeremy's meditation pose...LOL!
We celebrated my birthday at my favorite restaurant on Monday night.

1 comment:

my two cents said...

I'm glad you had a good birthday!