Monday, October 25, 2010

She's One! (sniff..sniff)

We also celebrated Jordan's first birthday in the Bay Area. I really wanted Grandma Vi to be a part of the celebration and this trip happened to fall right on Jordan's first birthday. Melanie, Jason and Katie were able to stay for awhile and celebrate too. My aunt and uncle made a wonderful steak dinner and we topped the night off with a delicious ice cream cake.

I must admit it was bittersweet to be celebrating her first birthday because she is no longer a baby and is growing up so quickly. I never thought I would enjoy having a girl as much as I have. Jordan has been such a blessing to our family. She is so sweet but yet so assertive and is always talking away. She has a huge personality already so it should be fun to see how she blossoms as she gets older. She just started taking a few steps and is ready to explore more now that she can see things on a different level. This next year should be a lot of fun!

This is my favorite picture from the whole trip. They are playing in the backyard at my aunt's and uncle's house and were having so much fun!

Big brother wanted to help Jordan blow out her candle. He was very excited to do this.

Grandma Vi and Jordan.

The birthday girl.....we love her so much!

Happy birthday, baby girl (aka sweet pea, pumpkin pie and squirmy wormy)!

San Francisco Part Two

We were only in the Bay Area for about four days but we managed to squeeze a lot into those days. We went down to Pier 39 and saw the sea lions which was a lot of fun. We love coming down to Pier 39. All of the shops and activity is a lot of fun. Jamie was pretty tired at this point of the trip so we stayed for a few hours and then headed back up to Petaluma to my aunt and uncle's house. It was a great trip!

The famous sea lions on the pier.

We were all fascinated with them.

Jeremy wanted to get a picture of me since this was the day after my Domaine Carneros/birthday celebration. Yes...I did have a bit of a headache! :)

Uncle Jason and Jamie. These two always have so much fun together!

Our San Francisco Trip - Part One

While in San Francisco we also had a little celebration for my 30th birthday. We went to my favorite place in the world (besides Kauai) Domaine Carneros. This is a champagne house that we try to visit every time we make it up the Bay area. It was wonderful to celebrate with my aunt, uncle, cousin, and siblings. I definitely enjoyed myself! :)

Melanie was being a great big sister and taking care of Jordan while I enjoyed a few glasses of champagne. Doesn't she look great?!

The family enjoying time together.

Our attempt to get a picture of the family. At this point both kids were done for day and wanted naps.

Of course Jamie behaved for this shot since Uncle Jay was in it. :)

My baby day I'm sure she'll enjoy Domaine Carneros just like her mama.

Melanie's Baby Shower

On October 9th Melanie had her baby shower in the San Francisco area. She is having a baby girl who will make her debut January 2nd, 2011 and I am so excited to finally become an auntie! Melanie had a great turnout and all of our aunts were able to make it which made it so special. It was a wonderful afternoon and Melanie got a lot of great gifts for the baby too.

Yummy....these were the best red velvet cupcakes I've ever had!

Grandma Vi and my soon to be sister in law...Katie

The proud soon to be mama. She looks absolutely amazing for being in her third trimester!

The whole gang....lots of love in the room for Mel and baby!