Friday, October 10, 2008

Moo Moo Palozza - 17 Months

Today Jamie turned 17 months old and we went to the Moo Moo Palozza at Superstition Farm. It's a two day event and the kids could pet animals, go on a hay ride, go through a maze, etc. Jamie's favorite thing was to walk and run up and down the gravel hill.....hills are so much fun for him right now! He did walk right up the animals and reached in to pet them without any hesitation which was great! It was fun trying to get a group pictures of the kids.......Mia, Jacob, Katie and Jamie!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Jamie's First Girlfriend!

We are very blessed to have close friends who have children around Jamie's age and we get together with them as often as we can....don't know what I'd go without them! One of the couples has a little girl, Katie, who is a few months younger than Jamie and Jamie has his heart set on her! Here are some pictures of the two of them at the Olive Mill. The very last picture of Jamie brought tears to Jeremy's eyes and mine because we can see how he's turning into a little boy.....where did the time go?!