Saturday, August 6, 2011

Back to School!

I'm sure it seems crazy that it's back to school time for us but it really is. In Arizona the kids start school the last week of July or first week of August. This year Jamie is attending two preschools. He's going to a Montessori preschool two afternoons a week and to another preschool one morning a week. Both preschool's are wonderful and the teachers do a great job with creating fun, hands on activities so I know Jamie will have a great time this year!
First day smile.....what a cutie pie!
I love this picture.....they are practicing how to sit down for class. Jordan, of course, wanted to stay at school too. But, I'm not ready to give her up yet. :)
What a little stud....checking out the scene as he approaches his school.
Here is with Mrs. Kristin and fellow classmates. I was trying to sneak in and get a picture but this obviously didn't work. Jamie saw me right away and his look say's it all. I think he was thinking, "Aww mom....can't you wait by the door like the rest of the mommies!. " :)

One of his projects from the first day. It's a great idea teaching the kids math, reading and colors. The kids dipped one hand in one primary color and then rubbed them together to make a secondary color. Jamie, who hates to have his hands dirty and has never been a big fan of fingerpainting, actually participated in this project and enjoyed it.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

More from LA.....

We were only in LA for three days and two nights but we managed to pack a lot of fun things in during that time. We went to the park, to the beach, took walks, and ate at some fabulous restaurants. The girls played well together too. It was so much fun to see Mel and Ashyln and I can't wait to go back in Sept. and see them again.

Play time at the beach.

Jordan felt the beach was a bit cold and spent most of the time snuggled up to Nani. In fact most of the trip she spend snuggled up to Nani! It was great because it gave me a chance to hold Ashyln a lot which is exactly what I wanted to do. :)

Pretty girl playing in the sand. She's only six months old and sitting up on her own!

The proud mama's! Mom got Mel and I both a gift bag to celebrate our first girls weekend. It was really neat to have my mom with her two daughters, and Mel and I with our daughters. I'm sure this is the first of many weekends to come.

Jordan playing a game with Nani at dinner. I love her expression!

Our Trip To LA!

A few weeks ago, my mom, Jordan, and I flew over to LA to visit Melanie and Ashyln for a "girls weekend." Jamie, Jeremy, and my dad were planning to have their "boys weekend" at home. We had the best time and it was so much fun to see Jordan and Ashyln interact with eachother. I'm hoping they are going to be more like sisters than cousins. :)

The VERY proud Nani with her girls!

Jordan giving Ashyln "love". So sweet!

My little sweet pea! She is such a good baby and super cute. I love her to pieces and can't wait to see her again.

The girls hanging out and lunch together.

Jordan on the airplane. She was a very good girl and slept the whole way over on Nani's lap.