Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jordan talking to her big bro'

Boys will be boys!

A few days ago I was feeding Jordan and let Jamie go play out in the backyard. After a few minutes I noticed it was really quite outside which meant that Jamie was more than likely up to no good. Just as I was going outside Jamie met me at the backdoor with a big smile on his face and said, " Mud Mama!" I had forgot that we actually got some rain the night before so his sand table and turned into a mud table and he was having lots of fun playing in it!

My dirty little guy!

In this picture he's telling me, "bath mama."

Jordan - Four Months Old

Little Jordan turned four months old last week! She now weighs 11 pounds, 10 oz. But, I think she'll gain a lot more weight now that she's having a few formula bottles a day. She's still getting a lot of breast milk but she was waking up literally every hour during the night to eat. After two weeks we were both so exhausted so I gave her a bottle of formula and she drank it like she had never eaten before! So, now she gets one before bed and this seems to fill up her tummy so she's sleeping for around 3 1/2 to four hours now. She's a very sweet little girl and loves to watch everything that is going on around her. She's also a big talker already and tries to talk to anyone who comes near her. She's rolling over and likes to stand up with assistance. We'll be introducing her to rice cereal later on this month which will be a lot of fun!

Her other big brother, Joey. She likes to watch him run around and whenever he gets close enough to her she reaches out and tries to touch his hair.

She's now bigger than the bear!

She enjoys her playmat. Jamie couldn't figure out how to turn the music on so he thought it was broken. He went over to his tool box and got a screwdriver and came back over to put new batteries in it. You can't tell he's been watching his daddy do house projects at all!

Our sweet angels!

Playing with daddy!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Preschool Time

Jamie recently started attending a Co-op Preschool two days a week. Jamie really likes going and so does Jordan. I strap her in the baby Bjorn and she loves watching all of the other kids! So far there are four other kids in his class. I'll keep him in this preschool until next Aug. and then he'll start attending a traditional preschool where I drop him off (sniff..sniff). I don't think I'll be ready for this but I definitely think he will be!

Making playdoh with his buddy Adalade (yes...this is how you spell her name)

Jamie and Adalade

This is the train that Jamie is OBSESSED with when he goes to school. This is the look he gives me when I tell him it's time to put it away and start circle time.

The kids in circle time deciding on what the weather bear should wear based on the weather outside.

Jamie putting up the day of the week.

Jamie and his cousin....Tiago!

Jamie feeding Tiago some treats.

Uncle Jason (Tiago's Daddy), Jamie and Tiago.

Jamie and his only cousin so far.... :)

Fun in Flagstaff!

A few weeks ago we headed up to Flagstaff to spend the weekend with my brother, sister and parents. My brother booked a beautiful house for us for the weekend way back in November and when he did we all made comments on how we hoped there would be snow to play in. Well, the week we were to go to Flagstaff we had the storm of the decade and Flagstaff ended up getting 5 feet of snow in a three day period! So, we had PLENTY of snow to play in. Jamie had fun walking around in it but didn't really care much about sledding this year. We all really enjoyed the peacefulness of the weekend and the quality time we all got to share as a family.

Jamie trying to run in the snow.

Wow...look how deep it is!

Jamie having a blast with Uncle Jason!