Thursday, July 29, 2010

Having Fun with Nani and Poppi

Today Nani and Poppi took us to The Children's Museum in Mesa. Jamie and Jordan had a lot of fun exploring and playing with Nani and Poppi. Jamie loved the big blocks and Jordan liked watching all of the kids around her. Thanks for the great day! :)

Nani showing Jordan a very cool toy.

Jamie playing a song for Jordan with the kong.

Jamie and Poppi playing with the big blocks.

Nani showing Jordan some more toys.

Poppi, Jordan, and Nani in the little theater. I tried to get Jamie in the picture but he kept running up and down the steps before I could get him! ;)

My Helper

Jamie has become quite the little helper around the house lately. He loves to help with laundry, feeding Joey his meals, taking out the trash, and dusting. He actually does a pretty good job and I appreciate the help. :)

Sharing his food with Jordan. Whenever there is food around.....Jordan will pop up right next to it!

Pouring the laundry soap in. He is very careful and makes sure he pours it on top slowly so all the clothes can get some soap. :)

His helper stool. He drags this stool all around the house so he can see everything and help where he can.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

9 Month Check Up

Today was her check up....she's 28 inches tall (60%) and 17.7 pounds (25%). Our doctor gave us the okay to start feeding her what we are eating.....let the fun begin! :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

She's 9 months old!

Three more months and she'll be one years old....crazy! She's doing great! We finally got her moved into her crib and she's sleeping there all night long.....something I thought would never happen. She's still waking up a few times a night but not nearly as much as she was. So far she as three teeth in and she's getting two more. She's crawling everywhere and is pulling herself up on anything and anyone she can. She is very aware of her surroundings and likes to watch everything that is happening and if she can't see it, she'll figure out a way how either by crawling on you or trying to stand on an object to see. She is SUPER busy and keeps me on my toes! Jamie and her have so much fun together and he's so patient with her and is also very protective of her. Enjoy the pictures.

I'm having a bit of a tough time with her hair since it's too short to do anything cute to it but it's also too long to let it just lay there. Pretty soon she'll get some more! :)

Jamie telling Jordan how to color.....she's in awe! Actually, I think she's trying how to figure out how she can get a crayon so she can eat it! ;)

Jeremy found them in the playroom like this the other day. So cute!

How she fell asleep the other day. She was upset for being in her crib and was trying to pull herself up to get out but finally exhaustion set in.

This picture cracks me of the rare moments that Jordan is scared of her big bro! Jamie still doesn't quite get that you don't need to choke her to give her a hug and her expression says it all.......