Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas Day and New Year's

Christmas Day was so much fun this year! Jamie really understands the concept of Santa now so it was so neat to see how amazed he was that Santa came to his house and brought him toys, especially the exact toys he asked for! Santa is so smart. :) We spent the morning at our house and spent the afternoon and evening at Nani and Poppi's. It was a very nice and relaxing day. New Year's Eve was a lot of fun too. We went out to dinner and then Nani and Poppi came over to our house to count down to midnight. Nani brought all sorts of fun things for the kdis to do (poppers, silly string, etc) and Jamie had a BLAST. Jordan made it until 10pm, Jamie made it until 12pm and I don't know what time I feel asleep since I was enjoying my Rose Champagne all night long! Happy 2011!

Jamie was giggling so much while we sprayed him down with silly string. Jordan was walking around and trying to eat it.

Jamie was so excited each time Poppi pulled the popper! Once again, Jordan was trying to eat the string that came out of them.

Jordan with her new doll and stroller from Santa. However, she preferred to play with Jamie's trains and the pink dump truck her auntie, Charlotte, gave her.

One thrilled little boy.....Santa brought him three new Thomas the Trains and a whole new train track!

Christmas morning, Jamie came to our porch to see if the reindeer ate the reindeer food he left for them. He made the reindeer food in preschool and was very excited to put it out for the reindeer's to eat on Christmas Eve. Once again...Jordan also tried to eat that too!

Holiday's 2010

We had a wonderful holiday season this year. Just the right mixture of fun things to do around town and enjoying nights at home looking at the Christmas tree. We are so thankful that we were all healthy this season...first time in a LONG time! :) Here's a few pictures of some of favorite times this season.....

Jamie proudly putting his tree ornament on the tree. Every year I purchase one special oranment for the kids and this year the theme was "Cars." Big surprise! I think the tie dye shirt adds a great touch to the tree decorating process! :)

Daddy and Jordan at Serrano's after Christmas Eve Mass. We are truly Arizonans now....having enchiladas, chips and salsa on Christmas Eve.

The main reason we live in the desert...the beautiful winter weather. We went on several park trips during Dec. This is how we spent Christmas Eve day.

Jordan and I at the Train Park in Scottsdale. They decorated the park in lights and we got to ride on the train and look at all of them. Jeremy got several new ideas for next year's decorations for our house.

Jamie and I getting ready to go see The Nutcracker with Nani. This is a special tradition that we just started with our kids this year. Growing up my parents always took me to see The Nutcracker in Seattle and I loved it. Jordan is still a bit too young and loud for the experience but we decided to take Jamie this year and he did great. I hope they'll both like this experience as much as I did when I was a kid.