Friday, August 10, 2012

Visiting Quinton

Shortly after the Fourth of July holiday I flew over to San Diego to visit my nephew Quinton and spend time with Jason and Katie.  Jeremy and Poppi worked it out with their schedules to watch the kiddos while I was away. :)  I had such a wonderful time!  It was strange at first to not have the kids with me but I quickly adjusted to it and enjoyed relaxing, cuddling with Baby Q and talking with Jay and Katie.  We had fun shopping, eating at some great restaurants and swimming in Jay and Katie's swimming pool.  I look forward to going over next summer again by myself to have some more quality time with some of my favorite people.

Pure joy! I love holding him!
The happy family!  Jay and Katie are such good parents and enjoy every min. with this little guy.
Two mommies - it was fun to share parenting experiences with Katie.  She is a natural when it comes to motherhood.
Bath time!  He is so darn cute!
Happy boy!  

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