Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fourth of July

This Fourth of July we had a great time!  The weather was overcast and only 80 degrees!  We took advantage of this and went on a long bike ride in the morning.  Jamie does well and can go about 2 miles.  After the bike ride we headed over to Poppi's and Nani's and went swimming and had a delicious BBQ.  We had a pre-firework show and did poppers at the house before we headed out to our usual parking place to watch the firework show.  Fourth of July has become one of our favorite family holiday's because of the traditions we have established the past few years.  We look forward to next year!

Ready for our bike ride!
My three fishes.  Jeremy likes to stay in the pool just as long as the kids do! 
Jordan swimming with a little help from daddy.
Nani's girl!  Nani always gets some cute holiday toys for the kids.  Jordan was really excited about the pinwheel pen.
"What? Nani got us Fourth of July cookies!!!" 
Jamie had a BLAST with the poppers.
Jordan on the other hand....not so much!
But, she did like the firework show.  We were far away enough from them so she didn't hear the big boom.  She was clapping throughout the  show.
This picture cracks me up.  Jamie can care less about the fireworks and is so excited he got ice cream that he's using two spoons to eat it.  Poppi is on his ipad finding music we can listen to while we watch the show. What a pair!

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