Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Girls Weekend!!!!!

Over the years I have been blessed to always have a group of friends around me.  I've realized some of these friendships were just for certain reasons and seasons of my life and they have now ended.  With these ending, new friends have come into my life and I definitely feel these groups of ladies will not be for a season or a period of my life but for a lifetime. Between the six of us we have 12 kids, one is pregnant and a few more hope to have more little ones in the next few years. Some of us are working moms, some stay at home, some are in school, some of us are crafty, some of us are health nuts, and some of us are still chasing our goals.  The beauty of this group of ladies is that we are all supportive of one another, we are all so different but can relate to one another on many levels and we all love our husbands!  :)

We decided to have an annual getaway to The Sanctuary Resort in Scottsdale,  For some of us this was the first time we have ever left our children for the night!  We spent two nights and three days at the resort and had a fabulous time!  We ate delicious food, had some yummy drinks, laughed a lot, relaxed, and came back home to our families rejuvenated and refreshed.  In fact most of the husbands supported the idea of us doing this twice a year since we all came back so refreshed. :)  Anyway, I love this ladies and look forward to many, many, more getaways in the future!

Jackie, Kathryn and I
Jackie, Kathryn, Jody and I - ready for a night out
Jenni's Surprise Baby Shower
Monica and I
The whole group 
7am and ready to go workout!
Ahhh - spa treatment time! 
The view!

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