Sunday, October 7, 2012

Apple Picking in Wilcox

This past Saturday we took the kids to Apple Annie's in Wilcox, AZ.  It's about a three hour drive from where we live.  Our dear friends, The Picchi Family, joined us for the adventure.  We had SO much fun!!  The weather was perfect and the kids loved picking apples and riding in the wagon.  This is something we will do every year!

The daddy's pulling the kids.
Daddy showing Jamie how to use the apple picker.
Very focused as he picks his apple.
Sheer determination here.  She wanted to pick her apple all by herself!
Sweet success! 
Happy family!
Brother and sister love.  
Jordan decided it was a lot more fun if Mommy would lift her up to pick the apples. Needless to say my arms were pretty sore after we were done. :)
How Jordan started the day. We left pretty early so we could arrive when the farm opened.
Best friends having a delicious breakfast....pancakes with apple cider syrup!  
How the kids preferred to get around on the farm.  I think this also had something to do with my sore arms. 

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