A little late but wanted to post about our holiday celebration this year. Santa brought new bikes for the kids! It's their first actual bikes and Jamie does very well riding it. Jordan prefers to hold on to the handle bars and pretend like she is peddling while mommy or daddy push her. We are hoping she'll start pedaling really soon on her own! :) At Nani and Poppi's the kids got a new tent that they can sleep in when they stay over and two motorized cars!!!! The kids loves them! It works our perfect because Nani and Poppi have a huge lot and some of it is dirt so the kids can ride in a really big area without having to worry about cars.
We also went over to Palm Springs the second weekend of January to celebrate the holidays with Jason, Katie, Melanie and Ashlyn. We also were able to celebrate Ashlyn's first birthday at Chucky Cheese! We had a great time! I forgot my camera (big mistake) so once I get some pictures from my brother and dad I'll post some. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!

Nani and Poppi bought Jordan some new shoes. She was already in her pajama's (with footies) but she had to try them on so she decided to take her pajama's off and do a fashion show. Such a girl!
Jordan cruising. This little car has headlights, an MP3 player and a remote control so mom and dad can control where she goes! Hmmm...now if we only do the same thing when she turns 16!

Jamie in his new Lightening McQueen pajama's driving his new car....a natural!
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