September has been a very busy and fun month. Jamie's in his routine with preschool and loves it. Jordan now has her own little group of friends who are also 2 and has playdates with them a few times a month. I'm now going to school for nursing pre-req's and in a few weeks Jeremy will start playing league softball again. Busy...busy.....but having a great time! Here are some pictures of the kids this past month.
Jamie has been very helpful in the kitchen lately. He always wants to assist with preparing meals. In this picture he's helping to make our protein smoothie that we have every morning. Yummy!

Jordan is really into stickers right now. If I can get her to put them on paper rather than herself that would be great. ;) Here's she's trying to see how many stickers she can actually get on her arm.

In a few weeks, Jordan will be turning 2 yrs. old! She's growing up so fast and is becoming very independent. She now wants to eat her cereal at the table, rather than in her booster seat, and wants to feed herself. It can get very messy but I like seeing her try to do things on her own.

It hardly ever rains in Phx so when it does we try to go outside and play in it. The kids were having a blast jumping in all the puddles and splashing eachother.

They went from rain water to bath water later on that night. :)
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