Below are a few more pictures from the Wedding Day. Unfortunately, as soon as we got to the actual wedding and to the reception we put our camera away. :(. We were too busy at the wedding keeping track of Jamie and Jordan and keeping them quiet during the ceremony and at the reception Jeremy was busy with the kids while I was busy catching up with all my aunts, uncles, cousins and family friends. Jeremy was a great husband that evening and took care of the kids so I could mingle, dance and have fun and that's exactly what I did! Both kids did well at the ceremony with the help of encouragement from the older kids in the wedding (Katie's nephew and niece). The wedding ceremony was so beautiful and filled with such meaningful words and the reception was a blast! Katie was absolutely stunning as a bride and I have never seen my brother more handsome or happier as he was that night.

While pictures were being taken of the bridal party this is how Jordan was spending her time. Running back and forth under my legs.

The bridal party. I love how both the ring bearer and flower girl are looking down at the ground while pictures are being taken!

Our handsome little man!

The proud parents of the groom.

I wish I could have gotten a closer picture of Katie. She was the most beautiful bride! I can't wait to see the professional pictures!
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