For Jamie's third birthday Nani and
Poppi wanted to take him to Sea World and boy did we have a blast! Both aunt's, Uncle Jay, Nani,
Poppi, and Great-Grandma all came with us for the day. Jamie really enjoyed seeing all of the animals but his favorite part of Sea World was
Sesame's Street Bay of Play area (big surprise!). He loved going on the flying Elmo fish and running all around on the play equipment. We went to a few shows and saw most of the exhibits. Our tickets allowed us entry for the whole week so we took advantage of this and went a few times. The big kids (my bro, my sis, Jeremy, Katie and I) all went on the
roller coaster water ride which was a lot of fun (although poor Katie got soaked!). All in all it was a fun filled day and Jamie did pretty good with all of the
excitement and stimulation!

Jamie looking at the dolphins.

This is how Jordan spent the first day....

This is how Jordan spent the second day! Here we are with Aunt Katie checking out the Sting Ray's.

Jamie feeding the seals with help from Aunt Katie and Uncle Jay.

Jamie's FAVORITE part of Sea World....riding on flying Elmo's!
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