Baby Jordan is seven month's old and boy is she a busy little thing! She's very close to crawling and is constantly rolling over on the floor and wiggling around to get to where she wants to go. I can tell that she is so anxious to be able to start chasing her big brother and Joey! Jamie does so well with her and is always including her and making sure baby is okay. We'll see how he feels about her when she can start moving and taking his toys away from him! :) She did get two bottom teeth at 6 1/2 months....just like her brother did when he was 6 1/2 months old.

Yes...she also has the big eyebrows like Jamie does. And, at 7 mo. old she can already give you "the look" like Jamie does! Hmmm...I wonder where they get this from! ;)

Happy girl playing with her bear. She was just talking away to the bear as I was taking pictures.

One VERY tired little girl. She actually passed out in her jumpy one afternoon when Poppi was babysitting her.

My two angels....side by side.....I hope they stay this close as they grow up!
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