Thursday, May 13, 2010

She's 7 months old!

Baby Jordan is seven month's old and boy is she a busy little thing! She's very close to crawling and is constantly rolling over on the floor and wiggling around to get to where she wants to go. I can tell that she is so anxious to be able to start chasing her big brother and Joey! Jamie does so well with her and is always including her and making sure baby is okay. We'll see how he feels about her when she can start moving and taking his toys away from him! :) She did get two bottom teeth at 6 1/2 months....just like her brother did when he was 6 1/2 months old.

Yes...she also has the big eyebrows like Jamie does. And, at 7 mo. old she can already give you "the look" like Jamie does! Hmmm...I wonder where they get this from! ;)

Happy girl playing with her bear. She was just talking away to the bear as I was taking pictures.

One VERY tired little girl. She actually passed out in her jumpy one afternoon when Poppi was babysitting her.

My two angels....side by side.....I hope they stay this close as they grow up!

Happy 3rd Birthday!

I know I say this all of the time but I can't believe how big my kid's are getting! Time is flying by so fast but we are doing our best to every min. of it. Jamie turned 3 this past Monday. We went to the big train park in Scottsdale and then had a mini ice cream cake for him that evening. For his birthday gift, daddy is building him a HUGE sandbox in our backyard since playing in sand or dirt is his favorite past time. He also got a big wheel. Both Jeremy and I have many fun memories of having a big wheel when we were kids so I hope Jamie enjoys it just as much as we did. (Uncle Jason you are not allowed to build him ramps to jump off just yet.....)

Jamie is a lucky little boy because he gets to celebrate his birthday two times this year. In another week we are going over to San Diego for a week to celebrate his birthday with his aunt's, uncle, grandparents, and great-grandparent. We are going to take him to Sea World and the beach so it's going to be a lot of fun!

We told him he could dive into the cake and make a big mess but he's such a neat little kid that he wouldn't do it. He put his spoon into the cake very nicely and took a bite and said, "yummy."

He was amazed at the flame that was coming from the candle. After he blew it out he wanted to do it again and again and again!

Climbing the rock wall at the train park.

Having so much fun at the train park.

Telling me how the train is going to go in a tunnel and that the train has a loud horn.