I can't
believe baby Jordan is now six months old! Time is flying by but it's been so much fun! She's eating baby food a few times a day and really likes carrots and pears so far. She's rolling over all of the time and likes to sit up in her
bumbo chair so she can see what's going on. She's past the phase of screaming to get our attention (yea!) and is talking up a storm. We got her ears
pierced this past weekend and she looks so cute with them! She's a happy little girl and Jamie, Jeremy or myself couldn't imagine our family without her.

My babies........I love them so much!

Her reaction to sweet potatoes!

Here she is
grabbing her feet. Her favorite pastime at the moment. You can barely see her little earring in her ear.

My precious baby girl. I can't wait for her to get some more hair in and I can put bows and clips in it! :)
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