I can't believe how fast the past four weeks have gone.....Jordan is one month old! She's doing great. She is a
cuddler and loves to be held. Her favorite activities are eating and sleeping! She just started smiling at the end of last week which has been fun. Nothing is better than those smiles without any teeth (aka gummy smiles). She's been back and forth with a schedule (one night she'll go for four hours between feedings but the next night only two). I'm hoping in another month we'll be on a more consistent schedule but we'll see....I can already tell she has a mind of her own. She already is captivated by her big brother and zones in on him whenever he enters the room. It's very sweet. Jamie is still doing really good with and likes to "help" take care of her.

Sitting in her bouncer for the first time. She did pretty good in it but definitely prefers being in a sling or being held.
Aww...sleeping beauty! I love how her little hands are folded under her face.

This is the bear that her Great-Grandma Vi got her. Grandma Vi got Jamie a brown one when he was born and I took pictures every month with him next to it so see how much he grew over the first year of his life. I'll be doing the same with her (if I remember!).

Jamie having a conversation with his little sister. He was telling her about the monster trucks he just saw on television!
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