Monday, August 31, 2009

Fun Times with The Dahl's

Terri, Doug, and the kids were back in town this past month and we had a great time with them! Doug stayed for a week and Terri and the kids stayed for 2 1/2 weeks. Jamie was thrilled to have playmates and chased the kids daily. It was nice to have family in town to help with things around the house and entertain Jamie. It was still really hot so we spent a lot of the days over at Poppi and Nani's pool and all of the kids had a blast. We hope to see them all again at Christmas time.

Jamie is obsessed with Faith (aka Sissy). He would follow her everywhere and call out her name. She was great about it and let Jamie crawl all over her and played with him all the time.

The kids playing in the pool and Jeremy and Jamie jumping in to join them.

Doug, Jeremy, Faith and Caleb all went golfing one afternoon. Even though it was 110 degrees out, they all had fun and the kids did really well.

Jamie's favorite person in the world....his Sissy!

Pops and Jamie playing with his puzzles.

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