Monday, April 27, 2009

Zoo Trip with the Group

The weather is much cooler this week so we decided to take advantage of it and head down to the Zoo. We met our best buds there and had a great time! Jamie was very excited to see his friends again since he had not seen them for awhile due to me being so sick with the pregnancy. I'm doing much better now so we plan to get back to our regular playdates with our buddies. They are all so cute together!

Jamie picking up a rock or dirt while Katie watches.

The Fab Four....Mia, Jacob, Katie and Jamie looking at the animals.

Jamie and Katie taking the lead!

Jamie showing Katie how "strong" he is! He's trying to pull himself up on the bar. He saw Mia and Jacob doing this and wanted to do it as well.

Refer to the first picture....Jamie picks up the rock or dirt and gives it to his girlfriend. What a gentlemen! Katie was so impressed by this that she put the item in her mouth! ;) This is why we aren't sure if it was a small rock, some dirt or something!

1 comment:

Adrianna and Mackenzie said...

Wow congratulations with your pregnancy! I hope that you are doing good! Jamie is so cute and growing so quick!