Monday, December 17, 2012

Picture Time!

Two days of posting on the blog!  Yep, I am out of school for Christmas break so I'm catching up for not posting for the past two months.:)  When the family was out to visit we had my friend, Ivonne, come and take pictures of the kids.  She did a wonderful job and was very patient working with a wide age range of kiddos!  Here are some of my favorite.....
Poppi, Nani, Jamie and Jordan

So sweet!  Jamie giving Quinton love.

Jordan's turn! 

The fab four! 

Melanie with her baby girl.  So cute!

Looking forward to putting this one in a picture frame,

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fun time with our cousins!

In October we were lucky to have Aunt Melanie, Ashlyn, Aunt Katie, Uncle Jason and Baby Quinton come out to visit us for a long weekend.  It was the first time Jeremy and the kids were able to meet baby Q so it was a lot of fun!  Ashlyn and Jordan were connected at the hip all weekend and had so much fun together.  I know we are done having children so I really hope their relationship will turn into a close friendship (like sisters) as they get older.  I knew Jamie was excited to finally have a boy cousin but I was surprised at how much he engaged with baby Q the whole weekend.  He really loved playing with him and showing him things.  Uncle Jason took Jamie to his first college football game (Huskies vs. U of A) and we took baby Q and Ashlyn to the pumpkin patch.  It was a great weekend and we look forward to seeing them all again.
Girls waking up together the first morning! 
Playing in the kitchen together.
Jumping on the bed together!
Baby Q watching Jamie at his tball game.  Jamie was so excited to have his aunties, uncle and cousins watch him play.
Jamie entertaining Baby Q and Jordan.
So sweet......
Taking Baby Q down the slide.
Now for a ride on his shoulders. Jamie thought this was so cool!
Aunt Katie and I being brave at the pumpkin patch.  We were pretty high up on a huge dome that was filled with air.  It was fun and we got a workout jumping with the girls. love!  He was so good that night (actually the whole trip he was really good)! Such a sweet baby boy!
Girls having a blast jumping in the bounce house together.
Ending a fun filled weekend with a movie and popcorn in bed.  Love these girls!!!


I can honestly say this was the first year the kids really had the opportunity to wear their costumes a number of times.  They were so happy to be able to do this and I loved seeing them dressed up as Woody and Jessie. They started out the Halloween season by going to a dress up parade party at The Disney Store with Nani and Poppi.  They had so much fun and were surprisingly the only Woody and Jessie that night. Jamie's school had a Trunk or Treat and the whole family dressed up for that one!  Jeremy spent many hours making the classroom game and Jamie was very proud to take it to school to show everyone.  The kids also had a Halloween luncheon with our favorite friends on Halloween day.  It was so cute to see all the kids dressed up together.  We ended Halloween with our usual tradition of Jeremy and Poppi making tacos while Nani and I take the kids trick or treating.  Such a fun time!
Ready to go walk in the parade at the Disney Store!
Daddy's awesome Pumpkin Ping Pong Toss he made from scratch!
Woody and Jessie having a blast at Trunk or Treat.
The whole family got into the spirit this year!

Our scary spider crackers we brought for the Halloween luncheon.  Jeremy also made a veggie tray that looked like a skeleton.  So thankful he is creative!

Lunch time!  The kids were action figures/hero's, princesses, and we had two Jessie's and two Woody's at the party.  Everyone had a great time.
Ready to go Trick or Treat!
Hmmm...maybe not!  Here are their expressions at the first house we went to.  :)
But, they did get the hang of it and went to several houses in the neighborhood. They enjoyed coming home to show daddy the loot.  Of course, daddy had to "inspect" it all first! LOL!