Friday, September 7, 2012

Back To School!

The kids went start school a few weeks ago.  Growing up I was used to starting school the week after Labor Day but in Arizona schools begin in August.  Jamie is attending Our Lady of Guadalupe Academy and is going five days a week in the mornings.  He loves his new school and has adjusted to his new schedule very well.  His best buddy, John Stephen, is also in his class.  I really like the faith aspect of his school schedule and that he is starting to have a deeper understanding of God.  Our family is not a religious family but rather a spiritual one and I look forward to seeing both kids develop their own relationship with God over the years.  Jordan is going to an in home preschool two days a week.  Her best friend, Giada, is in her class and this has helped her with adjusting to leaving mommy....seeing a friend in the classroom.  So far she is doing great and loves all the arts and crafts they are doing in class.

I also began school and have class two nights a week.  I'm taking my science classes now so it's a lot more intense this semester.  Between work, school, and the family,  life is super busy but I know it will all be worth it in the end when I finally become a nurse.  I just keep reminding myself of this quote, "Anything worthwhile is not easy."  The positive side of being so busy is I'm super productive with my time and I make sure I get all my studying done in the wee hours of the morning or late at night so I can spend time with the kids during the day.  However, the real hero right now is Jeremy.  He is being so patient with me during this busy time and very supportive.  I would not be able to purse my goal if it weren't for him.

Last year of preschool!  This is his third more year and he could get a degree! :)
His special shark backpack.  Thank goodness for Amazon!
Goodbye and good luck kiss from little sister.
The boys!  Best buddies and so handsome!
Praying before school begins.  
Jamie picked Chipotle for his special first day of school lunch. (Aunt Melanie would be so proud!) We picked Jeremy up from work to join us.  Afterwards we went to Yogurtland which is a very special treat for the kiddos.
Pumpkin's First Day of Preschool!

Big girl in her favorite color.....purple!

Saying goodbye to Joey.  Her backpack choice was Toy Story....big surprise!

Poppi taking her for her first day.  I couldn't do it.  I was afraid she'd be super clingy and I was afraid I might not let go of her and instead turn around and come back home. It is a bittersweet moment when you send your baby to preschool for the first time.

The girls.....such cuties!
Successful first few days of school!  This was their expressions when I asked them about it.