So, I have a new hobby that I have fallen in love with....sewing! I know...crazy ! Especially since I have no creative or artistic bone in my body but my very patient friend, Jody, came over to give me a hands on lesson and I love it! I find it very relaxing. I am making dresses for Jordan right now. They are called pillowcase dresses and are the simplest dress you can make. Once I get this down without any mistakes then I'll move onto more complex dresses. Anyway, it's nice to have a hobby again and have friends to do it with.
I'm focusing very hard on making sure my stitches are straight...they still came out crooked but hey, I'm still learning.

A big reason why I want to get more into crafts....Jordan! I'd love for her (and Jamie) to grow up doing crafts with me and making things too. Here she is helping me pin my fabric to measurement of her dress.

Ignore the crazy hair...but here it is with a shirt underneath it. I can also put long sleeves under it and add a pair of jeans to it for a layered look.