Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Day with Thomas The Train

The big day finally arrived....Thomas the Train came to Globe, AZ! A life size Thomas the Train engine pulled the train we rode on and took us on a 25 min. ride. Jamie was so excited! When we first arrived he was a bit overwhelmed but once he realized he was also going to get a turn to ride on the "big Thomas Train" he was fine. Nani and Poppi joined us too. The weather was beautiful and we all had a great time.

Jamie was very focused on playing with all of the trains that were at the event.

Jordan preferred to sit down and watch all of the kids playing with the trains around her. She wasn't too sure of all of the activity going on.

I love this picture because it captures the fun Nani and Jamie had together at this event. This was on our walk back to the car.

Poor Poppi...he always gets stuck with Jordan. Jordan is a very busy and curious little girl so it takes a lot of energy to keep up with her and anytime she gets the chance to be with Poppi she takes it. Poppi did very well keeping Jordan in her seat on the train ride.

One excited little boy riding on Thomas the Train!

Happy Birthday, Nani!

This year Nani had a special birthday celebration because she was able to celebrate her birthday with all three grandchildren! Jamie had his Spring Concert for school we went to first and then went out to dinner. After dinner, everyone came back to our house and we surprised Nani with a cake. Jamie was super excited to sing "Happy Birthday" and to help blow out the candles. Happy Birthday, Nani, we love you!

Introducing, baby Ashlyn. She looked so cute that night...attending her cousin's concert and then going to dinner. She was a very good girl too!

Nani and Jamie blowing out the candles.

Singing Happy Birthday.

The crazy kiddos...this was after the concert. They both had so much energy so it was nice the restaurant we went to had an outside area where I could let them run around for a bit before we ate dinner.
Here's Jamie singing songs from the concert.

Backyard Fun

Where have we been?? I can't believe the last time I posted was pictures of New Year's....and here we are in March already. Well, the good news is we've been busy having lot's of fun and enjoying the new addition to our family....Ashyln. She was born Janurary 10th, 2011, which made me become an auntie for the first time! Melanie and Ashyln are doing great and we've been lucky to have her down in AZ for the past month staying with our mom and dad. They'll both be heading back to LA in another month. Jamie has been so cute and LOVES being a cousin to Ashyln. He calls her "tiny baby." Jordan is neutral with Ashyln but does get very upset whenever I'm carrying or holding her. I'll be posting pictures of Ashyln with her cousins real soon. In the meantime, hope you enjoy some recent pictures of Jamie and Jordan.

FREEDOM....I love this picture because it shows Jordan's excitement when she goes outside. She knows in the backyard she can run around as much as she wants and can be loud...pure joy and freedom to her!

Ms. Determined...trying to push both lawn mowers at the same time.

Still the same old Jamie...always playing in the dirt. He loves digging in the backyard and helping out daddy with any projects he may have. We will be planting flowers very soon so I'm sure Jamie will be a big helper for daddy.

Having fun...her hair is finally growing and I'm able to put little pig tails in it. Can't wait until it gets a little bit longer.