The day has finally arrived.....Jamie had his first day of preschool today. I
definitely think I had a much harder time dealing with this
transition than he did. I was up all night last night worrying about whether or not he'd find the bathroom okay, if the other kids would be
friendly, ,etc. At one point I told Jeremy that I didn't think he was ready and wanted to keep him home for one more year! But, in my heart I do know he's ready and that he'll be just fine.
He's going to preschool two days a week from 8am - 11am. He's going to Harmony Farms. Here's the description, "A place like no other where your child will interact with animals, tend to a flourishing garden, and play in a mini town created just for them. " The preschool has a huge outdoor play area with lots of area for the kids to run,
miniature farm
animals that the kids will help take care of and a huge garden where they will participate in a Fall and Spring harvest. I visited several preschools last spring and when I walked into this one I knew this was the one for my busy little boy.

Jamie checking out the rocks before we head into school. What a typical boy!

A picture of him after he got home from school. This is his new Thomas the Train backpack which he loves.

This is in front of the school. You can tell by his expression he's not too sure about it yet.

In the classroom and he's showing me a bunch of different toys.
So, his first day went well. He was a little bit sad when I left but when I went to pick him up he was fine. I arrived early and peeked inside and they were having story time. Jamie was right in the front and was just memorized by the teacher reading the story. He reminded me so much of myself in this moment! He was very tired when I brought him home and is taking a long nap as I post this.
I know this is the first of many milestones my kids will go through and I'm very happy for them but I must admit my heart ached all morning without my bubbas near me! I will always do what's best for them and let them grow even though I want to hang onto them tight and protect them forever. This parenting thing can be SO tough sometimes! ;)