Baby Jordan is two months old! She is getting so big and is making new facial expressions and cute little noises all the time. Now that she's on medicine for her reflux and I'm on a dairy and soy free diet her fussiness has decreased and she seems much more comfortable and content. She's sleeping about five hours during the night which is great! Jamie loves to come over and check her out all of the time. His newest thing is to touch each body part of her's and say, "baby's nose, baby's elbow, baby's knee" etc. I have to remind him he can't touch her eye! ;)
Our day's are busy but it's a lot of fun and this holiday season is so special with our preciouos baby girl here!
She LOVES this wrap. I didn't consider Jeremy when I picked out the pink flower one but he is great and wears it anyway. Here she is with daddy mowing the lawn. If she could she would stay in this all day.
She started smiling right around one month old. Here she is smiling at mama!

What a big girl......

Here she is with her teddy bear.

Days can be hectic but at the end of the day we all crawl into our bed and snuggle. It's my favorite time of the day!