We had a very nice Thanksgiving this year. It actually rained here so Jamie and I weren't able to run in the 5k Turkey Waddle but Jeremy still went out and played football with a bunch of friends and had a great time! We went over to my parents house later on the in the afternoon and had a very delicious dinner. Jamie's favorite part of the meal was the pumpkin pie and whip cream. We hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!
. I'm starting him young...he's helping me with the dishes
He's teething right now which causes his little bottom to get red so we let him run around as a "free bird" as much as possible. What a great shot!
Throwing his soccer ball...maybe he'll be a goalie!
We can't believe that our little guy is now a year and a half old! He is so much fun at this age! He's very active and pointing to everything he sees. His favorite things to do are playing with Joey, going to the park, reading books (he's actually looking at the books now instead of eating them!), throwing/kicking balls and being goofy!
Now that I'm working part-time at Barnes and Noble a few nights a week, Jeremy and my dad (aka Poppi) have been having their guys night together. Today Jamie and I went to the Zoo with my mom's group and as I was uploading the Zoo pictures I found this picture from last night. At least Jamie was in his seat, being fed and wasn't faced towards the TV! :) The three boy's really looked like they were enjoying themselves!
We know Jamie's our little King at our house so we decided to dress him up as Elvis this year. His costume was a hit and he had lots of pictures taken of him! Halloween was a busy day and started with going to see Daddy at work to pass out Halloween candy to his employees. Jamie does this every year and Jeremy's staff loves seeing him. After this we waited anxiously for Jason, Melanie and Katie to come in town. Jamie was sooooo happy to see his aunties and uncle! We ended the evening with meeting our friends at the local park for a Trunk or Treat celebration. Jamie loved seeing all the costumes and playing with the animals at the petting zoo. Hope you all had a great Halloween!